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(zirrara eman)

  • 1 zirrara

    1. stirring, emotion; i-i \zirrara sartu to {move || touch || stir} sb; haren hitzaldiak bihotzean sortu zidan \zirrara agertzea zaila izango litzateke it would be hard to express how his speech affected me emotionally; haren hitzek \zirrara sakona eman zidaten her words affected me profoundly; su ezkutu baten \zirraraer sentitu zuen bere baitan she felt a kind of fiery emotion within her; hau entzuteak \zirrara ikaragarria egin zion arrotzari hearing this made a great impression on the foreigner; \zirrara ilun bat sumatu zuen Xabierrek Xabier could feel a dark sensation within him; gure ezpainetan irrifarrea loratu zen, betartea argiz bete, eta barruan, halako \zirrara zebilkigun alderen alde a smile came across our lips, our faces lit up, and inside, a certain emotion was racing through us
    2. ( sentimena) feeling, sensation; ilunabarrak \zirrara ezti-mingotsak zabaltzen digute bihotzean dusk produces a bittersweet sensation in our hearts; \zirrara zorrotz bat daukat ene baitan I can sense a pungent feeling within me
    3. ( bihotz-taupaden lastertzea) thrill, excitement; gogoan dut oraindik hura irakurtzean hartu nuen \zirrara I can still remember the excitement I felt when reading that; i-i \zirrara bizia eman to give sb a buzz
    4. shock, upheaval

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > zirrara

  • 2 buru

    1. Anat.
    a. head; \burua gora ekarriko du he'll come with his head held high; \burua behera ekarriko du he'll come with his head hanging low; \burua hautsi zion he smashed his head in
    b. (esa.) \burutik oinera from head to foot; \burua egingo nuke egia dela I'd bet my life it's true; ez du \bururik ez buztanik it makes no sense at all; \buru eta bihotz heart and soul; \buru agertu i. to uncover one's head ii. (nabaritu) to stand off, make o.s. conspicuous; bere \burua aitaren aurrean agertu zuen he appeared before his father; \burua jaso to raise one's head
    2. (gauzakiei d., e.a.)
    a. Tek. head
    b. head; orratzaren \burua the head of a needle
    c. (ezpatari d.) pommel
    d. (oheari d.) bedstead
    e. (etxeari d.) top
    3. Nekaz. head; hogei \buru dituzte abeltegi hartan they've got twenty head of cattle in that corral
    a. end; kale \buruan dago it's at the end of the street; \burutik \burura i. from end to end ii. (liburuari d.) from cover to cover; \bururen \buru (I) from beginning to end; -(r)i \buru eman to put an end to; \burutan atera to carry out |to finish
    b. (hatzari d.) tip; hatz-\buru fingertip\buru
    5. (aurrekoalde) head; manifestazioaren \buru\\\buruzebilen he went at the head of the demonstration
    b. liburaren \buruan at the beginning of the book
    a. head, leader; sail\buru department head | head of the department; Elizaren \burua the head of the Church ; familiaren \burua the head of the family; nor da etxe honetako \buru\\\burua? who is the head of this household?; nik, bederen, posible ikusten dut, noizbait, nekearen nekez, Sri Lankako Gobernu batek, nornahi duela \buru, amore ematea autodeterminazioaren eskakizunari I, for one, think it possible that some day, after a great deal of strife, a government in Sri Lanka, whoever heads it, will give in to the demand for self-determination
    b. (bilerari, bilkurari d.) \buru izan to preside (- (e)an: at) ; \buru ibili to preside; \buru dabilen apezpiku \\ apezpikutza \\ agintari \\ apaizgodun aitzindari presiding Bishop \\ Bishopric \\ authority \\ priesthood leader
    a. mind, head; \buru argia du she's got a bright mind; \burua behar da horretarako you've got to have a mind for that; \burutan hartu to bear in mind; bihotz euskaldunaren eta \buru erdaldunaren arteko borroka amaigabea the never-ending struggle between the Basque-speaking heart and the {Spanish-speaking || French-speaking} mind
    b. (esa.) i-i \burua berotu i. to rile up, stir up ii. (zirrara eman) to excite; edariak \burua berotzen du drink excites you iii. (kezkatu) to worry ; \burua galdu to lose one's mind ; i-i \burua hartu i. (alkoholak i-r, e.a.) to cloud; pattarrak \burua hartu zion booze clouded his mind ii. (beti berdin pentsarazi) to get to one's head ; i-i \burua jan to brainwash sb ; -(r)i \burua zoratu to go mad; \buruak eman to occur; \buruak ematen dion guztia egin behar du he's got to do whatever strikes his fancy; \buruan erabili i. to think of | to ponder about; zer edo zer erabiliko du \buruan dirurik ez galtzeko he'll of think something so as not to lose any money ii. (azpikerietan ibili) to plot ; \buru(t)an hartu to take into consideration |to give thought to; \buruan gatza izan (du/ad.) to be bright; \buruan sartu i. (bururatu, otu) to get... into one's head | to get the idea ii. (hartu, ulertu) to understand, grasp; horrelako gauzak ez dira nire \buruan sartzen I simply can't understand such things; \burutik egon to be {mad || crazy || nuts}, be off one's rocker; \burutik {igaro || pasa} i. to go through one's mind ii. (aurrez susmatu) to have a feeling; susmo txar bat igaro zitzaion \burutik she had a terrible foreboding; \burutik jauzi to go {crazy || mad}, crack up ; \burutik joanda crazy, mad ; \burutik {kendu || atera || bota} to forget; ezin zuen \burutik kendu he couldn't get her out of his {mind || head}; beldurra \burutik kentzeko in order to get over the fear
    8. (oroimen) memory, head; \buru txarra du he's got a bad memory | he's got a head like a sieve
    9. (jatorri) origin; bekatu guztien \burua the origin of all sins
    10. Geog. Naut. cape
    b. (mendikoa) top, peak
    11. Landr.
    a. (gariarena) ear
    b. (artoarena) cob, ear
    12. Mat. \burura gorde to carry; hamar gehi hamaika hogeita bat eta \bururako bi ten plus eleven equals twenty-one carry two
    13. (arma) warhead; \buru nuklear nuclear warhead
    a. self; nire \buruari esan nion... I said to myself...; bere \burua garbitu du he killed himself; bere \burua trenari bota zion he threw himself against a train; \burua zuritu to justify oneself; nork bere \buruaz beste egin to kill o.s. | to commit suicide; begi zorrotzak izan ditut hutsak ikusteko, batez ere, huts horiek geure \buruarenak, neronenak barne, direnean I've kept a sharp eye out for mistakes, especially mistakes committed by ourselves, including my own
    b. ez dut nahi zuekin \burua bat egin I do not wish to join you
    c. [izenen aurrean] self-; \burujabetasun independence

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > buru

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